March 20, 2023
The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (OEP) runs each year from January 1 to March 31. During this enrollment window, those who already have a Medicare Advantage plan may be able to swap one Medicare Advantage plan for another or return to Original Medicare (Parts A and B).
You may only make a single change to your Medicare coverage during OEP. Any changes made during this time will be reflected on the first day of the next month following enrollment.
If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan and do not participate in 2023 open enrollment, the next chance to make a change to your Medicare coverage may be the Annual Enrollment Period. Annual enrollment begins October 15 each year. Those who meet the criteria to qualify for a Special Enrollment Period may be able to enroll at another opportunity.
What is Medicare Advantage?
Also known as Part C, Medicare Advantage is offered by private companies as an alternative to Original Medicare (Parts A and B). Medicare Part C is required to offer the same coverage and provide the services as Parts A and B, though many Part C plans include additional benefits and savings.